Thursday 21 February 2013

Message from zaka152

Im really sorry for this message but just read it, it the message from zaka152:

Zaka152: Roblox better than CP. Cause 1. roblox got more gear than CP. 2. you can create your own games. 3. it more fun.

Rainbowy483: : / think about that zaka152. CP better than roblox cause 1. you can decorate your igloo 2. you can adopt puffle (pet) ^_^ 2. You can choose server 3. It disney 4. They can make party : P

What will P190173434 and kira lovely1 say about Zaka152? Tell us on the comment what side you want to be. Roblox or CP (Please choose CP)


  1. i said (kira lovely1):"sorry everybody i can find Candace beacuase i am so late for that.Dont worry i can find another ya..... i am so happy to tell you Rainbowy483 and zaka152 please can you help me and
    P190173434 to tell you what happen and why?
