Saturday 9 November 2013

Golden Sneak PEAK!

-Club Penguin Team

WOW! I am seriosuly going to get one! Now Hallie is giving us a hint about GOLDEN COSTUME! Thanks CP for creating a fantastic sneak peak, that was awesome, Waddle on!

Help CP to make Behind The Scene Video 'Bout Gold Puffle!

Hello Penguins!
We're going to make a behind the scenes video about the making of the Gold Puffle. We'd like your help to come up with some questions to ask the team!
Here are a few sample questions to get you started:
1. Where did the idea for the Gold Puffle come from?
2. What makes the Gold Puffle unique?
3. How long does it take to create a new puffle?
Now it's your turn! Comment below with your question. We'll pick a few of our favorites to ask the team when we interview them.  (Emote BUG!)
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team
 I am not in the mood for doing questions, thank you. Waddle on!

Megga Answers Your Question!

Hi Penguins!
Thanks for all the great questions on our last post, "Ask a Club Penguin Intern." 
Although I would love to answer all of your questions, I've gotta go home at some point haha. I did however try and draw a picture of my penguin! I'm still curious as to why I'm not on the artist team... ;)
Now on to the questions!
Riyita: "What are you going to school for?"
I am going to school for my Bachelor of Business Degree, focusing on Branding and Entrepreneurship. Fun fact: Up until right before I applied for my internship with Club Penguin, I was originally set on being an Accountant. I realized after a few accounting courses that it was not my passion, so I quickly changed paths.
Goldblue1: "How did you sign up to be an intern?"
Signing up to be an intern is much like applying for any other job. I sent in my resume through my University and went through the same interview process other team members do. Although an internship isn't mandatory for some Universities and Colleges, it's extremely helpful when figuring out what you want to do for a career. 
Semper5010: "What department do you work for?"
I work with the Community team, so I get to work in an office with Polo Field and Ninja! Community isn't the only team in Club Penguin that offers internship positions, either. Teams such as: Project Management, Programming, and Art sometimes offer internships as well.
Xela424: "What's your favorite thing about working at Club Penguin?"
It's hard to choose just one thing, so I'll give you a few! My favorite things about working at Club Penguin are the opportunities available to enhance your learning, as well as the amazing people you get to work and interact with. I work with some incredibly talented people that never cease to amaze me. I also never thought how much interacting with you guys could be so rewarding! Being in contact with the community on a daily basis is what makes this job worthwhile. I have seen what many of you are capable of and what you are striving for -- it absolutely blows me away. 
Surgex10: "How long do interns stay at Club Penguin for?"
Interns usually stay a minimum of 4 months but some can get extended longer.
Trainman1405: "Do you think you'll return to Club Penguin in the future for a full time job and not just an internship?"
I would love to if I had the chance! I'm extremely thankful for the opportunity to work with a company that promotes values that align so close with my own. I only have one year left towards my degree, so we'll see how it goes!
Whaddya think? Are there any other departments you'd like to know about next?
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

It's really sad if you quit Club Penguin 4 months, but of course I'll remember you quite well. Waddle on!


#WaddleOn with GARY!

#WaddleOn... with Gary! Season 2 Episode 2 follows a day in the life of Club Penguin's favorite gadget guy, from his lab to the streets to... the future? Gadzooks!
Whaddya think?
-Club Penguin Team
Cool! The best episode! Now I can see what the 2014 party looks like! Waddle on!

Ask a Club Penguin Intern!

Hello Penguins!
Here at CP, we believe that education is super-valuable. That's why we hire interns at Club Penguin! 
We want to give up-and-coming superstars the chance to enhance their learning with on-the-job experience. By helping us make awesome stuff for the CP community it helps them and us... a win-win-win! 
Now's your chance to ask a Club Penguin intern about their experience at CP! Megg is working with us for just a short time, so we wanted to give you the chance to ask her a few questions about what she's learned so far. 
Comment below with your question for a chance to have your question answered and shown here on the blog!
Until then... Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

I cannot think of any questions yet, what's yours? Leave a comment below! Waddle on!


What's New? (With PIC!)

Today I'm going to show you some new things around Club Penguin. Today's news is...

... BREAKING NEWS: The Cave is now blocked and we cannot go there...

... This is also the place that you cannot go into the cave...

...When you teleport to the cave, instead you teleport to the Underground Pool...

.... GOOD NEWS: Look at that fireworks on the iceberg...

There are more on the Ski Hill...

...And the Lighthouse...

...Have you forgotten about this daily newspaper yet? Issue 420 is out NOW...

...New penguin style is available right now...

And lastly, the new Spy Phone!

Oh, didn't I forgot to add the Boiler Room picture? Oh silly me, Just go tot he boiler room and see what you've found! Waddle on!


Tuesday 5 November 2013

Adventure with me - Golden Puffle evidence

I just treasure my evidence a week ago, so I wanted to share altogether so we can search for the Golden Puffle, just like Alaska! So here and take a closer look:

Here's the difference. The left one <- is the Golden Puffle at the SWF File, the right one -> is the Golden Puffle at the CP official blog. They look slightly like it!

At the membership page, CP hint the Gold Puffle to be here during the Operation: Puffle Party! How cool is that?

Now that was a short adventure. Thanks for everyone who helped me take evidence for the Golden Puffle. Waddle on!



There were some great suggestions on our last post, Adventures of Floyd the Green Puffle.  Here is what the team came up with from your suggestions:
It's Floyd the Wonder Puffle! Whaddya think?
-Club Penguin Team
Cool! Waddle o, and Waddle Puffle!

Floyd the Green Puffle!

Hi Penguins!
May we introduce you to our pet puffle - Floyd! He enjoys playing my keytar, wearing extremely large sunglasses, and getting his picture taken. 
We've decided to let YOU choose what Floyd does today! Comment below with an activity you would like to see him doing. We'll post the picture later today of Floyd doing the chosen activity.
Have fun!
-Club Penguin Team
maybe drawing? I really have bad ideas so why don't you go ahead and comment? Bye and Waddle on!


Hello Penguins! 
Here at Club Penguin, we are always looking for a good party! It's true, we LOVE celebrating whenever we get the chance. Some of you may have seen the  fireworks already and are wondering why. To celebrate of course! 
In some places around the world, the Festival of Lights is celebrated with the lighting of fireworks and sparklers that light up the night sky. So we added some fireworks to Club Penguin!

Head to the Iceberg, the Ski Hill, or the Beacon and enjoy the lights! 
Waddle on!
-Club Penguin Team

Yeah! I saw loads of fireworks at night where I live! It's pretty annoying but it looks fun! I hope someday I'll see fireworks right at my house. Waddle on!


New Puffle SOON!

Hello Penguins!
The rumors are true! A new puffle species is coming this month. We can't say too much yet, but we'll have more show you soon!
Thoughts? What color species do you think it'll be?
Waddle on, 
-Club Penguin Team

It's definitely the Golden Puffle! But other than that, what do you think? Waddle on!


#WaddleOn: Trick Or Treat!

#WaddleOn Season 2 begins NOW, with a special Halloween episode!  Get ready for more #WaddleOn Wednesdays as the Club Penguin sketch comedy show goes live the middle of every week!
-Club Penguin Team
Wow! I love the video! Just make sure a ghost see this :P Waddle on!

#WaddleOn: Trick Or Treat!

#WaddleOn Season 2 begins NOW, with a special Halloween episode!  Get ready for more #WaddleOn Wednesdays as the Club Penguin sketch comedy show goes live the middle of every week!
-Club Penguin Team
Wow! I love the video! Just make sure a ghost see this :P Waddle on!

Monday 4 November 2013

Riddles coming soon

Hey guys! It's me Purple! You will find riddles page on our blog soon! As you know, I love riddles (fact) Some of the riddles are from the club penguin news. I hope you are exited about this. Every week we will post at least 2 riddles. So another job for me lol! Waddlecakes!


Saturday 2 November 2013

#WaddleCake is soon!

Our comedy show, #WaddleCakes will make you LOL with this silly show! We will make Episodes and seasons just like #WaddleOn. I'll give you a sneak peek of it soo or tomorrow. I hope you'll be excited just like us! Waddle on!


Vote for AOFM November!

That's right! Who will be the Authour Of The Month November? Be sure to vote below:

Say 1: PurpleTrends

Say 2: Kira Lovely1

Say 3: Rainbowy483

Vote  on the comment and say why do you like to vote her. You can also vote on the poll widget! I'll vote for Kira because she didn't been te AOTM twice and plus, she did a lot of hard work with the "What happen this month OMG" post and I absolutely love that post, It makes me stare at it for just about an hour!  Waddle on!

-CP TAC Team

Candy Contest: The Winner!

Hello guys and recently, the Halloween Party has ended. No one hadn't been entering the competition so... It's girls vs girls vs girls! xD here is the list of how many candies the team has got:

PurpleTrends: 2000

Kira Lovely1: (She forgot)

Rainbowy483: 1999

Congrats Purple! I will reward you a membership if I got one so check your email everyday and enter it! I will be happy to reward you a 1500 coin code from the CP magazine too! Probably, Rainbowy will enter your house so you can get a CP magazine! Hip, hip hooray for Purple! All your reward is still on progress! Waddle on!

-CP TAC Team

Friday 1 November 2013

What happen this Month OMG!!!

Hey guys its me Kira Lovely1, long time no see guys!

This month will have a new puffle, Do you think its Silver or Gold?

KIRA: I think its gold because we need to rescue the Golden puffle. However, they will formed again!!

PURPLE: I think its gold because Polo gave us the species about that.

RAINBOWY:  I think it's a Golden Puffle too because at the SWF file, I know what the golden puffle colour and shape it is and it look exactly like it. And on the Membersip page, It says Gold Puffle bla bla bla.... and it WILL be a golden puffle! There are no silver puffle in the SWF file so golden puffle will be it!

Waddle ON!!!!!

-Kira :D